Wednesday, August 7, 2013

2013-14 Classroom Tour Part 3

Since my daughter and I had to go to her school to register her for, (GULP) 7th GRADE!!!! I thought I would bring a few things I had finished at home and work in my room with her for a few hours and then head home. was more like 4 hours, but I got a LOT done. With her help. Here are some updated and new pics of my classroom. The only thing I forgot to take a picture of was the door with the Bear incentive charts that I made. I was going to share them until I realized that I don't have a license from Scrappindoodles for sharing free stuff. Sorry. Here are my new pics:
My awesome birthday board.
My daughter took all of the pieces I made
and arranged them all for me. She
has a very artistic eye. I'm going to
add pics of the kids under their
birthday month. I was inspired
by Erica Bohrer's birthday board.
To the left of the doorway.
The red pocket chart is our daily schedule.
It is a jumbled mess right now.
I'll take a closer pic next time I'm at school.
These charts are part of my Writing Station that
I posted before, but now they are organized!
Each chart has a different colored menu above it.
As you can see in the first chart, the pockets will
be color-coded to match the menu choices. The
students can come over here and choose
what activity they want to do for writing.
Each chart will have 12 different activities,
including making lists, writing stories,
writing around the room, writing a letter,
writing a postcard, making a book,
writing a recipe or how to do something,
and many different types of writing papers.
Here's a link to my Writing Station Printables :

This should be called "The Pocket Chart Wall".
The very left chart is my Class Jobs. You can
read about it here: My Classroom Tour 2012
(Just scroll down a little until you get
to the classroom jobs explanation.)
To the right of the class jobs is Deanna Jump's
awesome Common Core Standards set
(without the standards right now).
You can find it here: Deanna's TpT Store
The remaining charts will be for:
left - stations rotations
middle - words of the week
right - Number of the Day chart
You can find my Number of the Day activity here:
This is the last Writing Station pocket chart.
It will be filled exclusively with different
books. Students will choose which book
topic they want to write about, pick
out the book and then start their story.
The above and following pics are different angles
of the classroom as a whole. You can see part of the
doorway to the right looking into the hall a bit.
See the box? That's the hallway by the stairwell.
This is the far end of my classroom, opposite
end of the room from the above pic.
This is taken standing in front of the Listening and
Writing Station area in the middle of the room.
Here's another shot from the doorway looking in.

From the doorway at an angle to the right.

Shot from in front of the sink area just inside
the doorway. You can see most of the
Classroom Library from here and the
Word Wall.

If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at:

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