Monday, August 5, 2013

Classroom Tour 2013-14 Part 2

I'm sure you've all been waiting for the next installment of my classroom photos, haven't ya? (crickets..) I went in to school today and got a lot of little stuff done. Yea me! I also got to meet the new faces in our district at a luncheon in their honor. Very cool.

Here are some new pics of my classroom progress. Some areas have been updated.

Part of the Classroom Library. This is my Read Aloud,
DVD, Author Study, and Science/SS shelf. I
don't know if you can tell, but all of the baskets
have been re-labeled with awesome polka
dots from Erica Bohrer's awesome classroom
library set. You can find it here:
Bright Polka Dot Classroom Library Organization Labels
 Go to page 2.
I didn't want to have to re-label each
book this year, so I just put my previous
graphics into the files to use this year.
Next year, I may decide to completely
re-do since we are moving buildings! :)
Word Wall with polka dot headers and a wide
view of the majority of the classroom library.
Close up of the classroom library. I still need to
clean off the shelves. Somebody spilled something
on a few of the bottom shelves, so they all are
going to get washed. I also want to go through
all of the books and make sure they
are in the right baskets. See the broken shelf (3rd one)?
A couple of my rambunctious boys last year managed
to break not one, but two of my shelves. I am
just hoping to make it through this year and then
I'll probably trash the shelves and do something
different in the new building. Wouldn't it be
great if we got nice wooden shelves in our new
digs? A girl can dream.....
Our Tooth Tally Chart complete
with all the teeth last year's kiddos lost.
 My kids LOVE putting up a tooth when they've lost
one. Unfortunately, a couple of little
stinkers have fibbed a bit about when a tooth
was lost. (Like last year.) So....I've
started asking when they lost it. It has to be
a recent loss to allow them to put up
a tooth. My kids try really hard
to lose their teeth actually IN our
classroom because I have those
cool tooth necklaces that open
up and you can put the tooth
inside. I've had the same package
of these for 6 YEARS! Most kids lose their
teeth at home or when they're at lunch it seems.
It's a really big deal when they
lose one in class! :)
My Math Calendar Wall. I put up the yesterday,
today, tomorrow and the season and weather. I also
change the date. We use the Pro-Board for our
calendar routine, but I want the kids to know
how to read a regular wall calendar and
to be able to use classroom resources
to answer questions and such.
                                        The end of my classroom library. It
looks like I took the pic before I got one
of the baskets labeled. Oops! This shelf holds
magazines, I Spy and other seek and find books,
Mrs. Bond's Love Notes (binder for the
beautiful pics and notes I get from my little sweeties),
school-themed books, Everyone can read books,
colors/shapes, and alphabet/numbers.
My Lunch/Attendance Chart
I'm trying to decide if I want to go with
the purple cards I've made, or stick
with the green. I think I'd like a
little contrast, but these are already done...
(= lazy).
Updated pic of the Listening Station complete
with cool new sign and set up for 2 students
to enjoy after I've modeled a LOT how
to use this station.

Another pic of the Writing Station Area.
I meant to take a pic of the pockets filled
with the awesome writing activities
I got from Lori Rosenberg.
Writing Station Activities for Young Learners Bundle
Here's a link
She has all kinds of great writing units.
I may get the writing menu and
the writing topic cards too!
One word = AWE.SOME. I'm adding that to my own
Writing Bundle here: Writing Station Printables
 Writing Station Printables

My Word Work Shelf
(Click here to see previous post for details.)
Ah. The Breakfast Baskets. I think they turned
out super cute. They will go with Michelle
Oakes' Morning Menus (I bought EVERY pack!)
She now has the whole year bundled.
Morning Menu Bundle: Complete First Grade Set
My Bring Back Packs
I use these for Show and Tell. Monday through
Thursday I pick a boy and a girl to take
one of these home. They are sent with instructions
as to what is allowed for show and tell. They
also have to practice what they're going
to say when they talk about what they
brought to share. They are only allowed
1 item and it MUST fit into the pack.
Other rules are: Nothing living, Nothing expensive,
Nothing breakable, and Nothing without
your parent's/parents' permission.
The kiddos are so cute. When it's their
turn to take the pack home, you would
think I'd just given them
a lifetime supply of candy!
The now infamous M-F Cart. If you
didn't hear about/get involved in
this craze a few years ago, it's amazing!
I posted this on a teacher chat site asking
what our favorite/can't live without item
is in our classrooms. Little did I know
I was going to start a frenzy with this
little dude. People were emailing like
crazy asking where I got it, what is it
called, what is the item number,
bar code, etc. So....if you are interested
here are the specs: I bought this at
Lowe's in 2009. It was marked as a
childrens' clothing organizer in the
closet organization/storage area in the
store. I haven't seen this at Lowe's the last
few years, but I don't frequent that store,
so I may have missed it. It was a seasonal
item, so if they stock it they should
have it in stores now. Good Luck!
I absolutely LOVE mine. I get all of
my copying done on Thursdays (most
of the time) and then fill the drawers
for the next week on Friday before
I leave so I'm set for the next week.
It's great for subs too. They just pull the
materials from whatever day it is.
I like that I can put the math
manips in there and teacher books,
plus other lesson materials.
The Time Capsule
I blogged about this on another post,
but didn't have a pic. Here's the pic.
Looking back, I wish I hadn't put
a year on it! I'll have to cover that
up for this year. My kids last year LOVED
this. They reminded me ALL.YEAR.LONG.
"Mrs. Bond, don't forget about
the time capsule." Me, "Okay. Don't
let me forget on the last day".
They didn't let me forget and we
all had a laugh when we opened this up
on the last day in May and they read (or tried
to read) what they wrote on the
first day waaaaaay back in August.
Some of them couldn't read their own
new firstie writing. So cute!
Their time capsule page
went into their 1st Grade
Memory Books so they could
keep it forever, or until
the book is lost or damaged.

Well....that's it for this installment of my classroom tour. When I have every little nit-picky thing done I will post some more pics. I haven't done my birthday board yet, so that will be in the new post.
Hope you're all having a great week! This is my last week until going back. AAAAAHHHHH!


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